COVID-19 - Important Coronavirus Information

Getting the help you need

The NHS in London is very busy as coronavirus infection rates continue to be high, but we’ll help you get urgent care when you need it.

Most consultations are over the phone and via video. This is for everyone's safety. We will assess your situation and invite you into the practice if needed.

We can arrange same-day appointments if you need urgent care but please don't visit without an appointment. Appointments will be held in the best way to keep you safe from Covid.

You can also contact 111, day or night, for other urgent health advice - including if you have concerns about your Covid-19 symptoms.

Please remember that 999 and A&E are for emergencies.

Please help reduce infections, protect the NHS and keep each other safe by following the latest rules.

Get the latest NHS information and advice about coronavirus (COVID-19), a new illness that affects your lungs and airways.

Check if you have coronavirus symptoms
Find out about the main symptoms of coronavirus and where to get medical advice if you think you have them.

What to do if you or someone you live with has symptoms of coronavirus
Advice about not leaving your home (self-isolation) and looking after yourself if you or someone you live with has symptoms.

People at higher risk from coronavirus
Advice for people at higher risk from coronavirus, including older people, people with health conditions and pregnant women.

Coronavirus in children
Advice about symptoms of coronavirus in children, including when to get medical help if your child seems unwell.

Social distancing advice and changes to everyday life because of coronavirus
Advice about avoiding close contact with other people (social distancing), looking after your wellbeing and using the NHS and other services.

Links to more information about coronavirus
Links to government advice, information for health professionals and advice for other parts of the UK.